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Rusia va livra României energie electrică produsă la o centrală din Transnistria

Dacă încă nu am aflat ce-a decis Putin în privinţa Transnistriei, am aflat însă că:
"Grupul Inter Rao, din Rusia, a încheiat un acord cu compania de stat Moldelectrica, din Republica Moldova, potrivit căruia va livra în România energie produsă la centrala electrică Moldavskaia GRES din Transnistria. Acordul a fost semnat vineri de cele două companii, în prezenţa premierilor Rusiei şi Republicii Moldova, Vladimir Putin şi Zinaida Greceanîi. Documentul reglementează condiţiile tehnice în care va fi livrată în România energie produsă la centrala deţinută de Inter Rao", după cum se arată într-un comunicat al grupului.

Chisinau, 14 November 2008. Today, as part of the visit of V.V. Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, to the Republic of Moldova, OJSC INTER RAO UES and the Moldavian state-owned enterprise Moldelectrica signed the Agreement on implementation of the project for separation of power generating units of Moldavskaya GRES for radial operation with the energy grid of Romania.
The Agreement regulates technical requirements for supply of electric power to Romania from the power plant owned by the Russian energy company.
Cross-border supplies from Moldavskaya GRES to Romania are limited due to the fact that the Moldavian and Romanian energy grids are located in different synchronous zones. For this reason, it was decided to apply the process scheme, in which one or several power generating units of the power plant are separated from the Moldavian energy grid and connected to the energy grid of the Republic of Romania. Within the project, it is planned to use the 400 kV power transmission line Moldavskaya GRES –Vulkaneshty and Vulkaneshty – Isakcha (Romania).
Implementation of this scheme will allow an essential increase in supplies to Romania to the amount of about 400 MW or 290 million kWh per month.
Reference information
OJSC INTER RAO UES is a transnational energy company, with significant power generation, distribution and trading assets in Russia and abroad. The total installed generation capacity of power plants in the structure of INTER RAO UES Group is reaching 8,000 MW.
OJSC INTER RAO UES implements an investment policy strengthening its positions in the area of export and import of electric power. Currently, OJSC INTER RAO UES heads a group of 25 companies located in 15 countries of the world. Near-term plans of the company include access to new energy markets in the countries of Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
The mission of the Company is to develop efficient power generation, to maintain electricity supplies to the international and domestic markets, and to secure international integration of the Russian energy sector through well balanced investment strategy in the neighboring countries.
Moldavskaya GRES is a subsidiary company of OJSC INTER RAO UES. Installed capacity of the power plant is 2,520 MW. With respect to the total installed capacity, the station is the greatest asset of INTER RAO UES Group and one of the most important energy facilities in Europe. Main types of fuel are gas and coal.

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