Spre independenta energetică a Europei ?

"Sergei Kiriyenko: Mr Putin, a major event is taking place today. The Tvel Corporation, which is part of Rosatom (Nuclear Energy State Corporation), is signing an agreement with the Slovak power utility Slovenske Elektrarne. This was a very important tender for us because this was the last point to be supplied by the American Westinghouse, which had ousted us from Eastern and Central Europe.
This tender was particularly difficult because Slovenske Elektrarne no longer belongs to the Slovak Government but is owned by the Italian energy provider Enel. Therefore, the contest took place in a market environment, without any political influence, and we came ahead of Westinghouse. I am glad to report, Mr Putin, that we have fully recovered the market of Eastern and Central Europe.
The contact covers all units in Slovakia, including those which are under construction now. In figures, this means 0.5 billion Euros by 2015, and then there will be an auction for the contact's extension to the rest of the service life. This means several billion Euros, and complete return of Eastern Europe's market.
Vladimir Putin: This last tender you've won - how much money will it bring?
Sergei Kiriyenko: Right now, the exact figure is half a billion Euros by 2015. All in all, it will bring us about four billion Euros, if we count the station's entire service life.
Vladimir Putin: Excellent. My congratulations. "

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Mă voi limita a preciza că textul de mai sus este un extras din şedinţa de guvern a Federaţiei Ruse, de astăzi, 18 noiembrie 2008.